
2024 Gray P.R.E. Andalusian Colt

Registered Name: RHF ALTIVO

Eligible to be Registered with the Spanish Stud Book through ANCCE, and Registered with the IALHA (S) and USEF (life registered)

Full brother to: RHF Quilate


Guerrero Roy

Multi National Champion

RHF Fortuna

HUGE Gray PRE Andalusian Colt. Sired by Guerrero Roy and out of RHF Fortuna (daughter of Fucilazo-Cen).


Guerrero Roy pedigree RHF

The pedigree of RHF Altivo includes: Ancira II, Albero II, Aborrecida,  Burladora-Mac, Bailora RHF, Bizarro IV, Badica, Codicioso-Mac, Campina, Cascabel, Castiza II, Cascabela, Dobladillo II, Delicada III, Delegado Mac, Dormilona V, Disputa, Destinado IV, Deco, Endrino, Electra II, Estepa-Cen, Enamorado IV, Endrino, Enamorada V 1974, Fetiche, Fucilazo-Cen, Guerrero Roy, Genil, Gastador VIII, Gaditana XVI, Ganador VIII, Halagado, Hurona III, Jaranera XII, Jocosa VI, Jubilosa VI, Leviton, Mastil, Mendera, Macarena XII, Mejorana, Navarro VI, Navarra VII, Quilate II, Queimada, Raqueta, RHF Fortuna, Sesamo, Torero II, Vetera II, Valido, Vasallo II, Yola VII,

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Royal Horse Farms 10 time USEF Breeder of the Year.