Registered Name: RHF Roana

2019 Chestnut P.R.E. Andalusian filly

Color: ee__agg

To be Registered with the Spanish Stud Book through ANCCE, and Registered with the IALHA (S), and USEF life registered

Lovely Chestnut P.R.E. Andalusian filly. Sired by the National Champion RHF Leon, and out of the imported chestnut mare Poema II. Wonderful temperament and huge movement. Lineage and color all in one package! perfect for someone who wants to add color to their program without sacrificing quality!


Sire: RHF Leon

USEF Sire of the Year – Multi National Champion

Dam: Poema II

Imported from Spain

The Pedigree of RHF Roana includes: Ancira II, Amapola XLIX, Agente, Ameba, Alegre XIX, Alegrias, Burladora-Mac, Cortijera, Cronica II, Cronista, Chistosa 1974, Despeada Roy, Dobladillo II, Endrino, Ebano, Efigie, Edil, Encantadora IV, Felido, Garboso LXXXVII, Gredos, Golondrina XII, Garbosa XVII, Habil III, Iberica LXII, Jocosa VI, Jazminito IV, Jazminita III, Lenguaje, Linaje, Lebrijano III, Lancero VIII 1983 B, Mecoleta, Mastil, Maceo, Malonera II, Navarro VI, Ofrenda, Orador VI, Perla II, Poema II, Panadero XIV, Panadera V, Parico, Partidor IV, Panadera V, Quemadora II, RHF Leon, Regatera V, Regatera V, Tabladillo III, Utensilio II, Valenciano XVII, Valenciana XVII, Violeta,

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Royal Horse Farms 10 time USEF Breeder of the Year.