Registered Name: RHF Salero

Date of Birth: 2020         Color: Bay (with chestnut gene)

Eligible to be Registered with the Spanish Stud Book through ANCCE, and Registered with the IALHA (S)

Ultra handsome 2020 Bay P.R.E. Andalusian colt, with a chestnut gene. Sire is multi National Champion RHF Leon and dam is Fenix-Cen daughter, RHF Iris (half-sister to multiple national champions in her own right). Tall colt with ultra traditional Spanish profile, and Baroque old world conformation. Movement is floaty and lovely!

Should finish 16hh +


Sire: RHF Leon

USEF Sire of the Year – National Champion

Dam: RHF Iris


The pedigree of RHF Salero includes: Acerola, Ameba, Amapola XLIX, Agente, Ancira II, Avila, Burladora-Mac, Bizarra XVII, Bruna II, Cronica II, Cazo, Cortijera, Cronica II, Cronista, Capriola Roy, Candeal, Darico II, Diva XXXI, Dobladillo II, Despejada Roy, Eucalipto Mor, Escogida XII, Edil, Endrino, Efigie, Ebano, Fabulosa VI, Fenix-Cen, Felido, Garboso LXXXVII, Gredos, Gemelo II, Helix, Habil, Jocosa VI, Linaje, Lenguaje, Lentejuela, Madrilena XVII, Macanuo III, Macanua, Mastil, Mecoleta, Navarro VI, Ocle, Perla II, Resaca, Remache, RHF Iris, RHF Leon, Tabladillo III, Tormenta XXIII, Ulema 1978, Utensilio II, Valenciano XVII, Valenciana XVII, Violeta, Vinatera VI, Vinatero III, and Zamorana VIII,

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Royal Horse Farms 10 time USEF Breeder of the Year.